PTFE waterproof and sound-permeable membrane for smartphones

PTFE waterproof and sound-permeable membrane for smartphones

With the continuous development of society, smart devices such as smart phones and smart tablets have become our daily In personal life, almost everyone has a tool, based on current living habits. Waterproofing…

Teflon air filter membrane traps dust particles

Teflon air filter membrane traps dust particles

As more and more users pay great attention to the waterproofing of mobile phones and other communication equipment, , there are more and more waterproof mobile phones on the market, and some communication equip…

R&D and production of PTFE protective clothing fabrics

R&D and production of PTFE protective clothing fabrics

It is said that technology can change human life and illuminate the entire world. From epidemic prevention and temperature measurement robots to unmanned distribution, and now technological research and develop…

Teflon air filtration membrane has concentrated pore size distribution

Teflon air filtration membrane has concentrated pore size distribution

In addition to internal (mainboard) waterproofing, mobile phone waterproofing also requires external waterproofing, such as mobile phone cases. , waterproof treatment of acoustic devices such as earpieces, micr…

Find Suzhou for ptfe laminating processing

Find Suzhou for ptfe laminating processing

In recent years, environmental protection policies have emerged frequently. In the new policy environment, from meeting emission standards to technical and economic Considering other aspects, the development of…

ptfe microporous filtration membrane manufacturer

ptfe microporous filtration membrane manufacturer

Simply speaking, the general process flow for the preparation of ptfe microporous filter membrane is: polytetrafluoroethylene dispersion Resin, booster (material selection), mixing, calendering, biaxial stretch…

Clean room high-efficiency filter materials for air filtration

Clean room high-efficiency filter materials for air filtration

Since the clean room targets some microorganisms, particles and dust, these are harmful to the human body, animals, plants or The environment is hazardous, and it is necessary to adopt a reasonable air conditio…


Find high-efficiency filtration materials in clean rooms in Suzhou

Find high-efficiency filtration materials in clean rooms in Suzhou

High-efficiency filtration materials in clean rooms are the key to safe operation of clean rooms. They can protect some harmful substances in clean rooms. Microorganisms cannot spread into the external environm…

Introduction to ptfe coating processing manufacturers

Introduction to ptfe coating processing manufacturers

With the global emphasis on environmental protection, the emission requirements for industrial atmospheric dust removal are getting higher and higher. Ultra-clean emissions or zero emissions are imperative. PTF…

Clean room high-efficiency filter materials for air conditioning filtration

Clean room high-efficiency filter materials for air conditioning filtration

We all know that the environment in clean rooms is very harsh, so air conditioning is usually installed inside. system to ensure environmental quality, and the most important function here is the high-efficienc…

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