Glass wool insulation material

While China’s construction industry is developing rapidly, there are serious irrational and various tendencies that are contrary to the scientific outlook on development in some places and some engineerin…

While China’s construction industry is developing rapidly, there are serious irrational and various tendencies that are contrary to the scientific outlook on development in some places and some engineering projects. These situations must be taken seriously. Some owners, especially some government project owners, pursue “newness, novelty, and specialness” one-sidedly. They do not regard the building’s functional functions, intrinsic quality, energy conservation, environmental protection, and economic practicability as the goals pursued by the building. “Visual impact” is the goal pursued one-sidedly. No wonder some foreign media ridiculed some of our projects as “testing grounds” for world architects, sacrificing functionality, making construction difficult, consuming materials and energy, causing construction costs to rise significantly and maintenance costs to increase. This is in line with the spirit of green buildings. Going in the opposite direction.

When defining “green building”, the words “applicable” and “comfortable” have been carefully considered. Experts believe that in order to save resources and protect the environment, it is appropriate to choose “applicable”, while “comfort” cannot be controlled by “degree”. The difference between one word and the actual situation is huge. According to industrial energy consumption statistics, for every kilogram of cement produced, 0.4 kilograms of carbon dioxide are emitted, for every kilogram of steel bars produced, 2.23 kilograms of carbon dioxide are emitted, and for every square meter of tiles produced, 7.38 kilograms of carbon dioxide are emitted. In order to slow down the global With the trend of high temperatures, the urgent issue of global environmental protection now is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Obviously, reducing unnecessary buildings means reducing carbon dioxide emissions, which is environmental protection.

The total energy saving rate of houses made of glass wool insulation materials can reach about 55%. Glass wool is based on the principles of vacuum insulation and microporous insulation. It uses glass fiber as the core material. The thermal conductivity can reach below 0.036W/(mK). The thermal insulation performance is 6 to 10 times that of traditional insulation materials. From the collection of raw materials to the entire production process, the products comply with green environmental protection requirements and are non-toxic and harmless; not only can they ensure that the house is warm in winter and cool in summer, isolating noise, but it can also reduce cracks and water seepage caused by temperature differences in the structure, and increase the service life of the structure. At the same time, it also has the advantages of not occupying indoor space and being conducive to the renovation of old houses. When glass wool is in use, people can easily find that buildings using glass wool can also create a quiet and comfortable environment. It not only saves the cost of raw materials, but also reduces a large number of post-construction services.

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Author: clsrich

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