Control system (operating device)

Control system (operating device) The operating device of the water-jet loom consists of button boxes installed on the left and right sides of the loom. The button box on the left contains all buttons, includin…

Control system (operating device)

The operating device of the water-jet loom consists of button boxes installed on the left and right sides of the loom. The button box on the left contains all buttons, including plan, run, forward, reverse, stop and brake buttons. There are only run, forward, reverse and stop buttons on the right side.
ZW series water-jet looms do not have a run button and are replaced by a forward button: when the plan button does not operate, press the forward button and the loom will jog in the forward direction; after the plan button operates, the loom will Convert to operating state.
The button box on the left side of the LW series (including GD767 and JWG4762) water-jet looms is equipped with a loom working status display, which can display the working status of the loom and the reasons for failure and shutdown. It is displayed as:
Warp tension After waste yarn
Left twisted edge Right twisted edge Before waste silk preparation Length
The two forms of button boxes commonly used in domestically produced water-jet looms are shown in Figure 3-41. , shown in Figure 3-42. The functions of the brake buttons of the two types are slightly different. If the brake button of the ZW type is not reset, the loom cannot enter the planning state, while the LW type can directly enter the planning state.

The ZW type operation button has a simple structure and low price, but has relatively few functions.
The LW type operating button has good reliability and moisture resistance, but its structure is complex and the price is high.



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Author: clsrich

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