Suzhou aerobic compost membrane manufacturer

Composting is an ancient and simple method of processing organic waste and making fertilizers. With the deepening of research and the improvement of methods, its application has attracted great attention in var…

Composting is an ancient and simple method of processing organic waste and making fertilizers. With the deepening of research and the improvement of methods, its application has attracted great attention in various countries, because It has good ecological significance and also brings benefits to agricultural production. From an environmental protection point of view, using local materials to make compost can reduce the amount of garbage and make the soil healthier. It also does not require the consumption of a lot of fossil fuels. Importing fertilizers from other places can be said to be Kill several birds with one stone.

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There are four common methods of organic fertilizer fermentation: tank fermentation, stack fermentation, high-temperature sealed fermentation tanks and nano Membrane covered fermentation. It is Aerobic Compost Membrane Manufacturer for composting.

Nano film composting is a composting method that does not require turning the pile. It can save a lot of labor and energy consumption during operation. After being covered by the membrane, The aeration at the bottom can provide the microorganisms in the pile with enough oxygen needed for fermentation. As the temperature rises, odorous macromolecules such as ammonia and hydrogen sulfide escape, but the microporous structure of the nanomembrane can block external moisture. It can enter, but small water molecules can pass through, but large molecules such as ammonia and hydrogen sulfide cannot pass through. The water vapor dissolved on the surface of the membrane returns to the stack and is used by microorganisms. In this way, the water is removed. , and has no odor effect,

The ePTFE nanocomposting membrane currently independently developed by aerobic compost membrane manufacturer is this process technology core materials. The membrane is composed of an ePTFE membrane and a base material. The composite membrane is used to seal livestock and poultry manure in a high-temperature aerobic fermentation pre-fermentation pile. It can protect against wind and rain and avoid the impact of harsh weather, while at the same time allowing the carbon dioxide gas generated during the treatment process to Water vapor is released quickly. Interested parties can enter the store and contact us.


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Author: clsrich

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