HEPA air filter paper performance introduction

With the progress of society and the improvement of people’s living standards, filtration methods are needed in life and industry, such as air, water, food, industrial production, etc. What is needed for …

With the progress of society and the improvement of people’s living standards, filtration methods are needed in life and industry, such as air, water, food, industrial production, etc. What is needed for filtration is filter paper. There are many types of filter paper. We are familiar with the chemical analysis filter paper in the laboratory. In addition to the coffee filter paper and tea filter paper introduced on our platform before, what other types of filter paper are there? There are air filter paper, automobile filter paper, activated carbon water purification filter paper, and electrospinning technology to produce filter paper. The editor below mainly introduces one type of air filter paper – HEPA air filter paper.

High efficiency filter material.png

Air filter paper is used to manufacture military protective equipment, filters, etc. Filters are increasingly used in various fields, such as microelectronics, pharmaceutical industry, hospitals, food industry, cosmetics industry, environmental protection industry, nuclear industry and military fields. The research and development of air filter paper has made great progress. High-level air filter paper mainly includes the following performance: ① high filtration efficiency; ② low air flow resistance; ③ high mechanical strength; ④ good uniformity; ⑤ meeting special requirements such as hydrophobicity, fire protection, and mildew resistance.

The HEPA air filter paper currently independently developed and produced has the above performance, with good low wind resistance and high interception rate. Compared with glass For fiber and electret materials, this product can better achieve a balance between wind resistance and interception rate. No boron, no phosphorus and no impurities, low volatile gases. It has many properties such as strong moisture resistance, hydrophobicity, superior mechanical strength and durability.

At the same time, HEPA air filter paper also has a very wide range of applications, such as electronic chips, LED display clean room production filtration environments, etc. Field, HEPA air filter paper can be used in class 10,000 to class 100,000 clean rooms, biomedical industry, air purifiers, etc. Used in chip factory Class 100, Class 10, Class 1 clean workshops, etc. Interested parties can enter the store and contact us.


This article is from the Internet, does not represent Composite Fabric,bonded Fabric,Lamination Fabric position, reproduced please specify the source.https://www.tradetextile.com/archives/5834

Author: clsrich

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