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What is Internet Marketing? Six Characteristics of Internet Marketing

What is Internet Marketing? Six Characteristics of Internet Marketing Internet marketing has many unique and very distinctive characteristics that traditional marketing simply does not have. What are the main c…

What is Internet Marketing? Six Characteristics of Internet Marketing

Internet marketing has many unique and very distinctive characteristics that traditional marketing simply does not have. What are the main characteristics of Internet marketing?

1[/B], with clear theoretical nature [/B]

Internet marketing is developed based on the accumulation of many new marketing concepts, new practices and explorations. The Internet marketing concept absorbs the essence of many new marketing concepts, but it is different from any kind of marketing concept. Comprehensive technologies from multiple disciplines such as computer science, network technology, communication technology, cryptography technology, information security technology, applied mathematics, and informatics have given Internet marketing a heavy technical foundation; in the past half century, various marketing concepts have been actively explored , giving Internet marketing a rich academic connotation; the various developments and practices of e-commerce and Internet marketing in the past decade have given Internet marketing opportunities and possibilities for calm thinking and rational sublimation.

Therefore, Internet marketing has distinct theoretical characteristics. Whether it is the60era, McCarthy’s4PTheory or theory, whether it is90Since the 1990s, Laurent has proposed “Forget products, forget pricing, forget channels, forget promotions”4CNo matter the theory, it cannot be compared with today’s Internet marketing concept.

The fundamental reason lies in all these previous marketing concepts:
◆None of them essentially reflect the connotation and characteristics of the network economy;
◆None of them accurately grasp the impact of the Internet on traditional business concepts. and impact;
◆ Neither of them fully revealed the profound changes and unlimited vitality that Internet marketing brings to enterprises;
◆ Neither of them effectively integrated various resources to form an offensive capability to open up the market;
◆None of them can truly treat customers as wealth and a strategic resource of the enterprise;
◆None of them can successfully achieve short-path connections and fast transactions between buyers and sellers
◆None of them can Fundamentally enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises.

Therefore, Internet marketing is incomparable to all previous marketing concepts. The Internet economy is a sublation of the traditional economy, and the Internet marketing concept is also a sublation of the traditional marketing concept.

2[/B], the nature of the market[/ B]

The connectivity of the Internet determines the transnational nature of Internet marketing; the openness of the Internet determines the nature of the Internet marketing market. Before this, any kind of marketing concept and marketing method was to find target customers within a certain range. Internet marketing is to find target customers in a borderless, open and global scope. The vastness of the market, cultural differences, transaction security, price variability, nationality of demand, the different cross-regional added value of information value, and the selectivity of online customers not only contribute to network economic theory and network marketing Theoretical research provides a broad space for development and endless research topics. Moreover, the nature of this market brings the possibility of a wider range of transactions and a wider range of price and quality comparability. The stronger the comparability, the more intense the market competition will be.

3[/B], resource integration[ /B]

In the process of online marketing, a variety of resources will be integrated, a variety of marketing tools and marketing methods will be integrated; there will be cross-operation and cross-extension of tangible assets and intangible assets. To integrate. The complexity, diversity, inclusion, variability and value-added nature of this integration have rich theoretical connotations. We need to work hard and conduct in-depth research.

In particular, marketing business software plays an important role and plays an important role in this multi-dimensional integration. The integration ability of intangible assets in marketing practice and the value-added effect produced by integrating multiple resources and means are also a major breakthrough and important development of traditional marketing concepts.

4[/B], obvious economy[ /B]

Internet marketing is fast, therefore, it will greatly reduce operating costs. Improve corporate profits. There are many reasons that form and promote the economics of online marketing:

For example, the wide area of ​​resources, the difference in regional prices, the short connection between the two parties to the transaction, the sharp reduction in market development costs, the intangible assets in the network The extended value-added nature, as well as the relationship and impact of all this on the economics of online marketing, will enable us to greatly reduce transaction costs and bring economic benefits to the enterprise. The economics of online marketing and the obvious effects it brings will surely appear clearly and distinctly.

5[/B], market impact[ /B]

The network’s attack capabilities are unique. The impact of online marketing and the resulting market penetration ability�, an obvious challenge to4Pand4CTheory. Internet marketing is proactive, clear-headed, and conscious when attacking. Nothing is forgotten. Whether it is an attack in information search or an attack after release, we are creating a competitive advantage, winning a group of real customers, and obtaining some obvious business opportunities. Expanding the scope of existing advantages.

The impact of this kind of online marketing has a strong impact on the “forgetting the concept of benefits”.
Please see: In online marketing,
Searching for prices is precisely to compare prices in order to formulate scientific, reasonable and competitive prices;
Obtaining new product information is precisely to speed up the development of new products and research and development to enhance the innovation capabilities of enterprises;
Searching is to find channels, publishing is also to expand channels, and online advertising is also to broaden and create channels;
Customer relationship management is to maintain and unblock channels Marketing channels. Channels have become a strategic resource for modern enterprises!
All of the above are carried out under the guidance of promotion strategy. Did you forget the price? Forgot the product?
Can I forget the channel? Have you forgotten your promotional strategy? no!
This “forgetting the benefit concept” is obviously no longer applicable in the era of network economy. The change from “forgetting the concept of benefits” to “attacking the concept of benefits” is probably a great progress and development for online marketing in terms of marketing benefits.

6[/B], extremely practical [/B]

All of this shows that Internet marketing is a highly practical knowledge. Its theoretical foundation is deeply rooted in the fertile soil of network marketing practice. Every step of the development of Internet marketing calls for in-depth research on Internet economic theory. However, this call can only be heard by those who climb and pioneer in the practice of network marketing. Only then can you feel and experience it. If you want to work behind closed doors, you will not be able to produce decent theoretical results in Internet marketing.

The practicality of Internet marketing is also outstanding in its review of past marketing concepts and its extensive testing of new conclusions: AAVEGTRHYTJ


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Author: clsrich

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