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ptfe aerobic compost membrane for organic fertilizer fermentation

Strictly speaking, aerobic composting is the degradation of organic waste by microorganisms under aerobic conditions and generates heat. The process of H2O and CO2 uses microorganisms to carry out a series of b…

Strictly speaking, aerobic composting is the degradation of organic waste by microorganisms under aerobic conditions and generates heat. The process of H2O and CO2 uses microorganisms to carry out a series of biochemical reactions, ultimately converting unstable organic matter into stable compost products that are free of phytotoxicity and pathogens. This compost product can be used both in agriculture and in semi-arid lands to restore soil fertility. However, the natural composting process is slow and will also produce NH3 and H2S, which also causes the loss of nitrogen in the compost. Therefore, industrial composting generally requires manual control. Here you need to use ptfe aerobic compost membrane.

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Simple high-temperature composting can be made using the semi-pit accumulation method and the ground accumulation method. The depth of the pit in the former is about 1m, while in the latter there is no need to set up a pit. Both require ventilation ditches to facilitate the growth and reproduction of aerobic microorganisms. Both need to lay a layer of crop straw, etc., then a layer of human and animal excrement, and pour some lime water (there is no need to pour lime water in areas with alkaline soil), and then cover with a layer of soil.

PTFE aerobic compost membrane is a polymer compound polymerized with tetrafluoroethylene. The membrane pore size is small and uniform, the micropore structure is stable, the porosity can reach 80%~90%, and the filtration efficiency can reach 99.999995%. The filtering accuracy can reach above U15 level, or even reach U17 level. At the same time, the surface is water-repellent and has a very high water pressure resistance, so it has high waterproof performance.

PTFE aerobic compost membrane is prepared using unique biaxial stretching technology, which can ensure the complete interception of bacteria and other impurities while having a large flux. The material is resistant to high temperatures, strong acids and alkali. Interested parties can enter the store for consultation and purchase! </p

This article is from the Internet, does not represent Composite Fabric,bonded Fabric,Lamination Fabric position, reproduced please specify the source.https://www.tradetextile.com/archives/7241

Author: clsrich

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