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Production and sales of industrial dust removal ptfe filter cloth

Industrial dust removal is not easy. This is because industrial smoke has a high temperature and often contains acidic and alkaline gases. Therefore, there are higher requirements for the technology and materia…

Industrial dust removal is not easy. This is because industrial smoke has a high temperature and often contains acidic and alkaline gases. Therefore, there are higher requirements for the technology and materials used in industrial dust removal, so the selection of filter materials is particularly important. . Let me introduce to you a good filter material, which is ptfe filter cloth.

High efficiency filter material.png

The filter cloth first plays a role in the filter press. The function is to intercept, separate and separate. That is to say, when the filter press is filtering, the liquid in the mixed liquid is dialyzed out by the filter cloth, and the solid particles that cannot pass through the filter cloth are intercepted by the filter cloth, thus separating the solid and liquid in the mixed liquid. Separated, the basic purpose of applying a filter press is to achieve the effect of solid-liquid separation.

PTFE filter clothThe porosity can reach more than 88% or even higher, and this membrane has 1.4 billion micropores per square centimeter, with a pore diameter ranging from 0.1um to 0.5 um, with high and low temperature resistance (-200℃-260℃), no aging, no splitting, no color change, and strong weather resistance after long-term use. It can ensure that all impurities such as small bacteria are trapped, while having a large flux. With high filtration efficiency, ptfe filter cloth can meet the filtration efficiency level requirements of sub-high efficiency, high efficiency, and super high efficiency air filters.

PTFE membrane technology has always been the core of the business, playing a very important role in many fields such as biopharmaceuticals, equipment, food and beverages, semiconductor processes, communications, etc., with pore-forming capabilities ranging from 0.1μm to 1μm. Provide functional solutions such as fine filtration, removal of small bacteria and viruses, hydrophobic breathability, and sound transmission. Interested parties can enter the store for consultation and purchase.


This article is from the Internet, does not represent Composite Fabric,bonded Fabric,Lamination Fabric position, reproduced please specify the source.https://www.tradetextile.com/archives/6182

Author: clsrich

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