Fabric Products,Fabric Information,Fabric Factories,Fabric Suppliers Fabric News with full force! The factory is urgently hiring temporary workers to deliver goods! Add 7 production lines for replenishment! Giants each show their “magic powers”

with full force! The factory is urgently hiring temporary workers to deliver goods! Add 7 production lines for replenishment! Giants each show their “magic powers”

On the 18th, the 618 E-commerce Shopping Festival came as scheduled. Since the epidemic, driven by e-commerce, Chinese manufacturing has opened up a new battlefield and gained new growth space. Quanzhou, Fujian…

On the 18th, the 618 E-commerce Shopping Festival came as scheduled. Since the epidemic, driven by e-commerce, Chinese manufacturing has opened up a new battlefield and gained new growth space. Quanzhou, Fujian Province is a gathering place for men’s clothing brands in my country. During the June 18th period, what was the production situation of the companies there?

In the sewing workshop of the Septwolves production base in Quanzhou, Fujian, workers are rushing to produce the last batch of 618 goods. 40 production lines are operating at full capacity and can be produced in one day. More than 10,000 pieces of ready-made clothing.

Wang Jinjie, deputy general manager of the garment division of a men’s clothing company in Quanzhou, Fujian: We have prepared hundreds of thousands of items in the early stage, but because this year’s sales are very good, now I work overtime every day to catch the 618 sales.

LiLang Company’s production line is also a busy scene. According to usual practice, it is already the peak season for autumn and winter product production, but this year the 618 e-commerce platform has released many popular products. The factory Responded quickly and added 7 production lines to replenish 618 orders.

Yang Kunhua, general manager of production and manufacturing of a men’s clothing company in Quanzhou, Fujian: We are now catching up with the casual wear styles of 618 e-commerce. We have made 70,000 to 80,000 pieces before, and now we have added more. There are more than 35,000 pieces, and now every team is busy working on them.

The logistics centers of Septwolves, Lilang, Qipai and other companies have also ushered in the peak period of shipments. For this reason, Septwolves has added more than 100 temporary workers. , Lilang replaced the automatic sorting and packaging assembly line to improve delivery efficiency and strive to deliver orders on the same day.

Yang Ming, logistics manager of the marketing center of a men’s clothing company in Quanzhou, Fujian Province, said that last year, less than 80,000 pieces were made, and 250,000 pieces should be made this year. It can be doubled at least 3 times.

Director of the Logistics Management Center of a men’s clothing company in Quanzhou, Fujian Chen Zhouchuan: From the 1st to the 3rd, there were almost more than 30,000 orders, and the total number of items was around 100,000. From the 16th to the 18th, there were approximately 150,000 to 180,000 items in this wave.

Quanzhou, Fujian: Reducing inventories to promote research and development and e-commerce to promote rapid response in the industrial chain

Affected by the epidemic last year, the customer flow of physical stores The sales volume has suffered a huge impact, which has also caused domestic men’s clothing brands to accelerate the construction of online channels, and their business ideas have also turned to “online”.

As soon as you walk into the Septwolves e-commerce center, you can see a large digital screen that displays all The sales situation of e-commerce channels, the screen shows, June 18 has not yet arrived, but sales in June have exceeded June last year by more than 60%.

Today, rapid response supported by front-end data of e-commerce has become a new direction for the transformation of traditional enterprises. According to the latest hot trends, new products will be Development and production can be completed in about 3 days from the original 50 days at the fastest.

Zhou Shaoxiong, chairman of a men’s clothing company in Quanzhou, Fujian Province, said that the support of big data allows them to respond faster, especially when the design is modified at any time and the quality is improved. Improvement and customer service information can be reflected in time to reduce inventory.

In the online store, within 3 years, monthly sales have reached 200,000 pieces.

Zeng Dedong said that there are many new styles because you have to keep trying before you have opportunities. If there are only 100 models, then the probability of a hit model is only 10%, which is about 10. If there are 500 models, there may be 50 popular models.

%. He showed reporters a pair of shorts that sell over 10,000 yuan a month in a store. The same product costs at least more than 50 yuan to produce in other regions, but it only costs less than 40 yuan in Quanzhou.

Xiao Fangzu, a member of the Party Leadership Group of Jinjiang Municipal Commerce Bureau, Quanzhou, Fujian: The textile and garment industry, mainly casual men’s wear, is our Quanzhou and Jinjiang One of the pillar industries of China, from raw materials to processing of finished garments to product sales, the entire industrial chain and supporting system are very complete.


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Author: clsrich

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