Fabric Products,Fabric Information,Fabric Factories,Fabric Suppliers Fabric News The price increased by another 1,500 yuan/ton, and major manufacturers issued price increase letters in succession! The intensification of production restrictions has caused raw material inventories to return to low levels, and downstream textiles are facing a “nightmare” if they want to rise but cannot rise.

The price increased by another 1,500 yuan/ton, and major manufacturers issued price increase letters in succession! The intensification of production restrictions has caused raw material inventories to return to low levels, and downstream textiles are facing a “nightmare” if they want to rise but cannot rise.

High temperature weather continues, and safety production and environmental protection issues have once again become the focus of supervision . As important events approach, inspections and supervision of safe …

High temperature weather continues, and safety production and environmental protection issues have once again become the focus of supervision .

As important events approach, inspections and supervision of safe and environmentally friendly production across the country continue to escalate. Recently, some regional emergency management departments have issued notices requiring relevant companies to implement “limited production suspensions”!

Multiple textile clusters have announced measures to limit production and power supply

It is understood that since Since mid-May, Guangdong has started orderly electricity consumption in 17 prefecture-level cities, including Guangzhou, Foshan, Dongguan, Huizhou, Zhuhai, Zhongshan, Chaozhou, Shantou, Zhaoqing, Jiangmen and other regions. Local companies said that in previous years they only started to use off-peak electricity in July and August, but this year it was much earlier. A company in Zhaoqing said that after receiving an internal notice, power rationing may continue until October this year, while a street office in Dongguan stated that peak-shifting power consumption measures may be extended until the end of the year…

Ontheotherhand,sinceMay31Startingfrom18:00p.m.,thespray-weavingenterprisesinShengzeTown,amajordomestictextiletown,willconducttargetedproductionsuspensionsinaccordancewiththeevaluationofindustrialenterpriseresourceintensiveutilization.Amongthem,ClassAandBenterpriseswillimplementsuspensionandproductionrestrictionmeasuresof30%ofequipmentsuspensionand30%reductionofemissions.,CategoryC,Dandunratedenterprisesimplementproductionsuspensionandproductionrestrictionmeasuresof50%equipmentsuspensionand50%emissionreduction;theprintinganddyeingenterprisesinthetownuniformlyreducethewatervolumeby30%inaccordancewiththepollutiondischargepermittoimplementproductionrestrictions,andthewaterwashingenterprisesinthetownuniformlyfollowthe”Productionrestrictionswillbeimplementedina”startone,stopone” manner. The Town Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau carries out irregular inspections and night inspections of enterprises in accordance with the production restriction requirements, and comprehensively and severely deals with enterprises that fail to implement production restriction measures.

High temperature production suspension policy released

Some manufacturers may suspend production

In addition, since June, some provinces have issued announcements requiring hazardous and explosive production companies to suspend production at high temperatures.

▶Hunan: Liuyang and Liling will suspend production due to high temperatures on June 14th!

According to a notice issued on the government websites of Liuyang and Liling in Hunan, Liuyang, Liling and other places will implement a comprehensive shutdown during the high temperature season. The main ones that have stopped production are fireworks and firecracker manufacturers.

The notice shows: From June 20th to August 31st in Liuyang City, and from June 19th to August 31st in Liling City, all fireworks and firecrackers All processes of production enterprises are prohibited from production.

*Source:LiuyangMunicipalPeople’s Government

▶Jiangxi: 1104 companies ordered to stop production! From June 20th, Pingxiang city will suspend production!

On June 1, the Jiangxi Provincial Government, Safety Committee Office, and Emergency Management Department held a press conference on “Safety Production Month”, at which it was pointed out that responsibilities should be continued to be strengthened Implementation, special rectification, law enforcement inspection, etc.









2. BDO : Maintenance has increased, and manufacturers have suspended quotations!

Recently, the trading atmosphere in the BDO market has weakened, and the overall supply is relatively sufficient. Most manufacturers use it for their own downstream production and suspend external supply. Quotation. The Xinjiang Meco 100,000-ton unit is expected to be overhauled in July, but the Kaixiang unit in Henan is restarted. It is expected that BDO prices will mainly operate stably in the short term, with market quotations at 16,500-17,000 yuan/ton.



Rising raw material prices Rise Again

Downstream products are struggling to rise to meet the “nightmare”

For textile companies For them, the power and production restrictions have brought them not only the “dream” rotation, but also “nightmares” such as reduced operating rates, extended delivery times, and rising raw materials.

Take spandex as an example. The price of downstream gray fabrics is difficult to rise, and the price of raw materials is rising rapidly, which makes textile bosses very embarrassed. “In the past two days, we have gone to the covered yarn factory to get spandex covered yarn. They said that the spandex price has increased by nearly 2,000 yuan/ton recently, and the price has gone up directly. It seems that the price will continue to increase in the future. At present, 40D spandex is almost broken. 70,000 yuan/ton. Anyway, the final answer given by the coated silk factory is that it will try its best to give the lowest price now, but if the inventory is exhausted later and the price continues to rise, the price will definitely increase.” A textile worker in Shengze area the boss said.

Duetothesuspensionofproductionandmaintenance+safetyproduction+powerrationingmeasures,theshortageofproductsmainlyspandexhasintensified,andthepricesofsomeproductshavebeguntorecoverduetodestocking,andtheoverallmarketisshowinganupwardtrend.However,someendproductshavebeguntosuspendproductionandordersduetorisingcosts,whichhasbroughta”stockpressure” impact to midstream and downstream companies. Please beware of terminal counterattacks and be cautious when stocking up.


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Author: clsrich

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